Thursday, June 30, 2011

Bloglander 2: The Quiltening

In an effort to possibly attract more readers from the blogging community, I was combing through the Blog-spot offerings by clicking "Next blog", which shows up at the top of the page. A page on needlepoint. Quaint, but not really our crowd. Next blog - Another page on needlepoint. Next. Quilting. Next. Crocheting. Next. Quilting again. Next. QUILTING. NEXT. MORE QUILTING.

I decided to check and see if there were anything in the settings that may have accidentally caused some indication that this blog should be lumped in with the blogs of the more industrious Hobbit folk. Nothing. I try my hand at it again, and apparently this time it went on a poetic theme. More whimsical and such. I'm browsing through and there's a rather sweet one called Life on Sleepy Creek in Words and Images: Has a photograph of a baby duck. I think that maybe there's something there I can possibly show my daughter and read to her. Whimsy. Until I scrolled down. Welcome to Life on Sleepy Creek - Full of Ultra Conservative, homophobic, racist, 'where's yer birth certificate' garbage. ( I should note that I'm not equating "Conservative" with "Homophobes" and "Racists." This guy just happened to be all 3)

So, I just linked a few of the blogs I've visited in the past, a few sites she and I visit, and we'll just stay here nestled between the quilters and the Sleepy Creek militia in hopes someone comes along and might enjoy the read.

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