Wednesday, June 29, 2011

An Introduction to our Blog

A few nights ago, Chris came home from a fun filled day in the cube farm he calls work. He was exhausted and had been talking all day to people he didnt even like. If you knew him you would realize how serious of an affront this was to his person. I, on the other hand, was like a wind up toy that had been winding and winding all day, waiting to let loose at the moment of his arrival on our doorstep. So there I was going on and on like a yap-yap dog while he prayed for the moment I would stop assaulting his very tired ears with an unending wave of verbal diarrhea.

But while I was going on about nothing in particular the light bulb clicked in my head and I decided we should do a joint blog, together. At first he was puzzled by this, then became resigned to the inevitable as I would just not let it drop. But then he began to see the possibilities. See, if he was doing this blog with me, he would have an automatic out to any of the honey-do's I will ask him to do in the future for me. "Honey, this weekend you have to clean out the gutters and regrout the tile." And he would immediately respond with, "Honey, I can't. I have to work on our blog." He's a wily fox, that one.

Last night's conversation went like this:

Me, "I think it would be a great way to work on our communication problems."
Him, "We dont have any problems communicating."
Me, "What?! Are you serious?" (I hate that I can never tell with him)
Him, "You say something, I say, 'uh huh' and then we're done."

Do you see what I have to work with here?

In all seriousness (and I promise to be serious as little as possible) my thoughts on this are as follows: Chris is not what you call Mr. TalksALot. Trying to figure out what his true opinion on serious matters is like trying to push up a rope; you just arent going to get very far. I would be insulted by this, except that it isnt like he goes on a chatting spree with everyone but me. He just doesnt open up much. When he finally does open up to me about something, it's like finding a whole new person there behind the man I thought I knew. So while this blog is intended to be silly and with tongue in cheek humor, I'm looking forward to learning more about the man I love. I'm pretty sure he's only doing this so he can add something else to the list of "see what I do for you's".

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