Thursday, August 4, 2011

Worst. Tea Party. Ever.

I rarely wax political, but I'm feeling patriotic and want to vent a bit. I again came across this handy soapbox to stand on, but not for too long as this box will need to house a family of 5 in the coming months.

Debt deal. Right. So we're going to cut spending, raise the debt ceiling, create absolutely no new jobs, give the minority portion of the Republican Party an overly compromised plan that they still complain about, and solve pretty much nothing. The stock market plummets. Surely more people will lose jobs as companies have to make sure stock holders are appeased. Nothing in this debt deal allows for extended unemployment benefits, so people losing these jobs are doubly screwed. The International Union for the Conservation of Nature has put the middle class on the Endangered Species list. Pretty sure there's a refuge somewhere in Minnesota for them. The poor...well, business as usual on this end. It'd be nice if politicians actually checked on their constituents that can't afford the $1000 a plate fund raising dinners. 

I remember Obama running on the campaign of Hope and Change. Hope waved bye-bye a while back. The Change is sure covered. It consists of what I have left after every paycheck. The Office of the President has gone from being the most powerful man on the planet to Samson with a receding hairline. He's pretty much powerless to stop an overly vocal splinter cell of zealots that has their own party backing away slowly and heading to the fire escape. 

I'm not an economist or a politician, but it seems to me the quickest way to pull us out of financial hell would be to throw some regulations at the oil industry. You know...those guys recording record profits while you shell out $4.00 a gallon at the gas pump, paying a good chunk of your paycheck just to make sure you can get to work. You you have gas money. So you don't have money to spend on other things. I'm pretty sure every industry we have is in some way tied down to needing oil. Save for maybe the Internet. But even then you need a device to get TO the internet, or to create things ON the internet, so there are parts and equipment that need shipped. Which requires gas and oil. So yeah, there goes that idea. 

"But Chris...there's a shortage of oil!" Yep. I'm sure there is. Still doesn't explain how oil companies are making huge profits. Only an exponential mark up on the product would do that. So why not regulate that mark up, bring it down to something reasonable - I mean, they still have to make profit and all - lowering the price at the pump, leaving Americans with more money available for spending elsewhere, boosting the economy all around, and making everyone happy? 

On a final note - Could you, our representatives in Washington - please stop taking money away from education and instead start putting money into it? I'd appreciate it if my offspring could get an education that ranks higher than Latvia. No offense to the good people of Latvia, but you are under the rule of Dr. Doom and I'm not a fan of the Doom-bots being smarter than our children.


Silence Dogood.

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