Saturday, July 16, 2011


Out of curiosity I went to check the "Monetize"stats for our humble site yesterday only to find that Google has decided to deactivate our AdSense account for what it feels was "Suspicious or Invalid Impression Activity." 

I scanned all through this site and I didn't break out my Sean Connery impression ONCE, so I filed an appeal. 

While Google appreciated my giving them more information about possible invalid impressions, they still say that they will nor reactivate the AdSense account and are refunding any earnings listed to the advertisers. "Wow, Chris! Google made $9.03 BILLION last quarter! Your little blog must have raked in some serious coin for them to take action like that!"
Oh you KNOW it! We pulled........ELEVEN DOLLARS! Yeah bitches! Eleven dollars that we hadn't even planned on claiming but thought might come in handy if we were running low on diapers for the wee one.

So congratufuckinglations, Google. You took eleven theoretical dollars away from a single income family that just manages to scrape by on the chance that some mouse clicks were invalid and redistributed that eleven dollars amongst your advertisers, Way to pull a reverse Robin Hood, douchebags. You can keep your Google+ invites.


  1. Actually, it would have been when you asked people to click the ads and probably had one person reloading the page and clicking over and over.

    I wondered if this was going to happen when you said that. ><

  2. Er, sorry, I think it was Christine who said that. Either way, it's an illegal practice if someone made a point of clicking over and over, and it does show up. :/

  3. Hey! How come I always get blamed for stuff!?

  4. Dammit, I can't remember if the text was pink, green, or on facebook. Anyways, the end result is that google thinks you're padding your numbers. :(

    I've looked at advertising for my etsy shop and/or blog, and I'd pay to have a certain amount of clicks a month. Which means if someone blew through everything I'd paid for, all from the same ISP, I'd be pretty pissed too. I know you guys didn't tell anyone to specifically do that, but $11 is a lot of money for ads on a blog, you know? It does look suspicious to me, and I'm not tracking where those clicks are coming from.

    Not saying it's not shitty, but I do understand their side of it.

    (please don't hate me)

  5. When I put in for the appeal, I noted that, but most of the clicks didn't come from that, they came from which is used by marketers to generate traffic to their websites. By clicking ads. Which I also noted. Apparently the 5 clicks generated from my facebook post outweighs the 20 or so generated from that thing. So yeah, maybe I shouldn't have admitted any culpability when filing my appeal.

  6. Ugh yeah, google's been using the banhammer for that...the link-building and recommendations and all.

    I'm surprised they didn't work with you. I've seen this happen before, and they were given a second chance. A second chance where they had to be sure to spell out to everyone reading that they could not just click the ads simply to make them money, lol.

  7. So are you gonna reactivate it or not? I actually do read these....WTF, really disappointing that Google did that...Sorry guys..
