Thursday, July 14, 2011

It's On

If you read Chris's last blog post, you know that he outed me. Yes, it's true, I read romance novels. All of my adult life when that information was revealed the reactions were almost always mockery and scorn. Since he has decided to share my reading choices with our readers (all 4 of them) I feel obligated to defend myself.

Firstly, I would like to think that I'm literate, and somewhat articulate or else this blog would be a horrendous failure. I credit my ability to put words together in reasonably coherent sentences due to my life long love of reading.

Secondly, when I started to branch out from Dr. Seuss books (actually Richard Scarry was my favorite author as a small child) I read many different genres. My mother enjoyed reading so there were always books around. Some of the early authors I cut my teeth on were Piers Anthony, Dean Koontz, and Anne McCaffrey. And of course, my grandmother was a huge fan of non-fiction (read: self-help books) so I learned about things like my 'Erroneous Zones'. Make sure you dont confuse erroneous with erogenous as my stepfather did. When he found the erroneous zone book my grandmother had lent me he hit the roof, having misread the title. Wasnt that a fun conversation! No, no it wasnt.

I had quite a bit of diversity with the things I read as I was maturing. It wasnt until I stumbled upon a teeny tiny library in the small town we lived in that I discovered romance novels. It was in my early teens and after my first one I was hooked. Over the years I've discovered the reason I keep reading them is because they all have Happy Endings. Yes, yes, get your snickering out now. But it's true. I hate getting all emotionally invested in a story only to find that I dont like how the author ended it. My junior and senior year of high school were traumatic for me for those reasons. I excelled in English and never balked at the reading assignments but it would piss me off to read some Great Piece of Literature only to find out the ending sucked.

So I read romance novels. I like the silly dialogue. I like the incongruous plot lines. And yeah, I like sex, too. But most of all I like knowing that in the end, the girl gets the guy and everyone lives happily ever after. I get enough suck in my reality. Why would I want to waste hours of reading time on a book that only makes me sad/angry at the end?

Now, since he pulled the LeVar Burton card and we're all in a sharing is caring mood I feel that I want to share something very special with you all. Are you ready for it? Here it is. Chris's middle name is Miles and he loves it when you refer to him by that name. It's actually my secret pet name for him at home so make sure you use it frequently and with reckless abandon!

Also, as I have been gracious enough to let him recommend favorite books to me, I think turnabout is fairplay. So tonight when Chris gets home from work, I'll give him a romance novel to read. Dont worry honey, it will only hurt for a minute.

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